FAQ (ask any additional questions in the comment field below)

  • What is SlotWarriors.com about?

    SlotWarriors.com is a rapidly growing community of online slot enthusiasts who enjoy playing and discussing the latest free demo slots.

    Active members who fulfill the minimum requirements are eligible to win massive real money prizes every month thanks to our unique Robin Hood RevShare™ system.

    Check the About page here.

  • How can I win real money from playing free demo slots?
    This is possible because we give 50% of our casino affiliate revenue back to the community every month via our revolutionary Robin Hood RevShare™ program.

    You have to fulfill the minimum requirements to be eligible for the monthly prizes.

  • What is the Robin Hood RevShare™ Program?
    It’s a Revenue Share program that’s unique in the casino affiliate world.

    The SlotWarriors Community is incentivized to play at our affiliated casinos, which generates revenue. We then give 50% of the revenue we earn back to the community every month as RevShare Prizes.

    This comes in addition to any CashBack you may get from the casinos you play at, but you have to fulfill the minimum requirements to be eligible for our monthly RevShare prizes.

  • How can I become a SlotWarrior Member (and is it really free?)
    You can follow this link to become a member right now, and it’s 100% free of charge (and always will be).

  • How can I win monthly cash prizes as a SlotWarriors Member?
    You need to fulfill the minimum requirements to be eligible, and anything more than that increase your chances of landing the top prize.

  • How will I receive the monthly cash prizes if I win?
    The monthly prizes are paid in Bitcoin (BTC), and you will need a Bitcoin Wallet Address to sign up as a SlotWarriors Member.

    Since the Bitcoin price can be volatile, it’s a good idea to have a wallet where you can turn Bitcoin into dollars/euros at the click of a button:

    Check our recommended Bitcoin Wallet solutions

  • How are the monthly cash prize winners determined?
    What we look for each month is this (in order of importance):

    • Who comments from the heart, have fun, spread joy, and don’t “count the words”.
    • (Being critical of the demo games is, of course, allowed and encouraged, but it can be done in a fun way).
    • The overall quality of the comments (giving value to others far more than spelling).
    • The number of new “active” members each member has recruited.
    • The number of demo slot comments posted per member above the minimum of 5.
    • The number of replies, buzz, and upvotes the comments get per member.
    • The quality/quantity of replies each member makes on other member’s comments.

    Who the winners are each month is our judgment call, after we’ve taken all of the above into consideration.

    NB! All comments must be written in English to count (comments in other languages will be deleted).

    Find out more via this link

  • How are the monthly cash prizes distributed?
    • The SlotWarrior Of The Month wins 20% of the total RevShare Pot any given month.
    • The remaining 80% is paid to worthy SlotWarriors AND random eligible SlotWarriors.

    Please follow this link to learn the details.

  • What happens if I don't fulfill the minimum requirements to win prizes any given month?
    If you, for whatever reason, don’t fulfill the minimum requirements any given month you will simply not be eligible for cash prizes that month.

    Brand new members who are inactive for 3+ weeks (no comments and no recruited members) will be deleted.

    Older accounts that are completely inactive for 2 consecutive months also risk being deleted.

  • How do I avoid breaking the rules and getting myself permabanned?
    It’s not really complicated. Play nice, and don’t try to cheat or game the system in any way.

    Below is a list of surefire ways to get yourself permabanned:

    • Abusive and/or spammy comments (just don’t!)
    • Copying comments from other websites and pasting them here (copyscape will detect it).
    • Using AI and/or bots to write your comments (easy to spot!)
    • Recruiting tons of inactive accounts (easy to spot!)
    • Trying to game the system or cheat in any way will get you banned.

  • Exactly when are the monthly cash prizes paid?
    The prizes are paid as soon as we have received all our casino affiliate commissions from the different casinos we recommend.

    This will happen on a monthly basis, give or take, but we cannot give you an exact date at this point (or perhaps ever).

    You can see our total revenue and the prizes being paid on the blockchain.

  • When will the current prize of $10K+ get paid?
    The current $10,000 prize is paid when we have enough active members and casino revenue to start the monthly pay cycles.

    We guarantee that the prize pool will be at least $10,000, but the prizes cannot be paid until the “snowball is rolling”.

    The more new members you recruit, and the more you play at our recommended casinos, the sooner we can get this revolution going!

  • How does the SlotWarriors Member referral link system work?
    Each SlotWarriors.com Member gets a referral link that’s unique to them. You will find this link in your member profile area.

    When people click this link, and sign up as SlotWarriors.com Members, it gets credited to your SlotWarriors.com account.

    It’s therefore important to use this link when recruiting new members. Otherwise, it will not register in our system, and you don’t get the credit for the referral.

  • Does the Member Badge (novice, apprentice, etc) mean anything?
    Not really, it’s just a fun way to distinguish new members from more seasoned SlotWarriors.

    Your badge will upgrade to the following tiers depending on the total number of likes your comments get:

    • Novice (this is where you start in the “honor system”).
    • Apprentice (after 10 total likes).
    • Battle-scarred (after 50 total likes).
    • Knighted (after 100 total likes).
    • Veteran (after 500 total likes).

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